
All are welcome! All belong! It is a great pleasure to join the St. Clare’s family as the Principal of the Kindergarten, alongside with the loving teachers and staff. As a former teacher in St. Clare, I particularly thank god and value the chance to serve the school again. Since its inception in 1927, God has wondrously led the school for the last 90 years from strength to strength and from grace to grace. St. Clare’s Kindergarten is committed to providing a safe, happy and caring environment to teaching and learning. We believe that children learn through interactions with their teachers, each other and the environment around them. As the Bible declares that children are unique gifts from the Lord, every child that enters St. Clare’s Kindergarten is valuable to us and special in her own way. With gentle care, we help to equip their young minds for the changing world that awaits them. With a team of talented and dedicated early childhood educators, we will continue our faith journey and mission “Loving as Jesus Loved” here at St. Clare. We will also help our little Clarains to build up the four cardinal virtues of Prudence, Justice, Fortitude and Temperance. We look forward to working with parents and children to maintain the excitement, enthusiasm and faithful spirit that makes success possible.


God Bless,

Aretha Tsang
